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Movio.ia: how it works, voices, opinions, alternatives

The movio.ia system is a system that allows you to create videos by combining different scenes in a single space. Convert texts into professional videos very quickly and directly from the browser.

It also offers the opportunity to make presentations, share the videos made through social networks and thanks to its tools you can add images and your favorite music so that you get a great audiovisual memory of any moment.

movio io

What is ?

Movio.ia is a system specialized in creating professional videos of spokespersons in a simple way and in a few steps. In addition to this, it has more than 100 templates that can be used to make the video according to the occasion.

How does Movio work ?

For the creation of your projects you only have to comply with a series of steps which are very easy to execute and your quick video will be created, first you enter the system and select one of the avatars with which you want to use.

Subsequently, the script is written, these tend to favor their creation, since they show more than 20 languages to facilitate the user’s activities.

And finally send the video which you can do while tasting a delicious coffee and in a few minutes the video will be ready.

Voices of Movio.ia

This system shows a great variety of voices with which you can work, within a variety of 20 languages you can download more than 80 voices which sound quite realistic and the most popular languages.

How much does the app cost?

It is no secret to anyone that artificial intelligence is very expensive, that is why these pages or apps are created that allow users to be able to acquire them in a particular way, the costs of this app will be associated with the functionality that you will give to it, since that the more options you want to enable, then the full version you must obtain, showing a value close to 20,000 USD, but it is worth mentioning the free version through direct use of the web.

Movio.ia Reviews

Many users use this system since they can download it and use it from their Tablet or mobile, which is why their opinions are quite beneficial for this system.

Just as favorable opinions are made, there are also those who make comments that go against it, but for the sole fact that an aspect did not meet their expectations, they give their opinion contrary to the advantages offered by this system.

movio free

Move.ia Alternatives

Getting an alternative to is not easy, since this application is very specialized in its work tools, interface and quality, however, here we will show you the best alternatives to this great application.

Talking avatar

It is a web-based tool with which you can create an avatar capable of narrating all the content you want. Want to narrate a video, but don’t want to be in it? With Talking avatar you can do it in a few simple steps and without needing to be an AI expert.


Without a doubt, it is another of the best alternatives that you can find for creating and editing videos using artificial intelligence. This platform is one of the best because of its ease of use and variety of features for creating images and videos for marketing.


It is one of the best options when it comes to creating, editing, and sharing videos, thanks to the fact that its online services offer totally professional tools, as well as a wide variety of templates and royalty-free content to use in your presentations and projects.